design with the purpose of learning
Hi there, I am mom, wife, and educator. I am all of these things all of the time and my site reflects the nature of my being. I don’t physically separate myself into parts as I navigate life and I often wonder why we spend so much energy keeping the pieces of ourselves separate. I often hear people talking about “my professional self” and “my personal self…” Yes, I say…. I understand that when I am acting in a professional capacity I may mute or highlight other parts of my
being. Indeed, I explicitly teach my students about the importance of being able to “code switch.” Knowing when to be what self or how to be what self is a key factor in success. I get it.
At the same time, I do not subscribe to the idea that you can 100% remove any one piece of who you are when acting in the capacity of another piece of you. It is impossible to separate my experiences as mom from my experiences as an educator. Mom beautifully evolved into educator. Even though I frequently have to change hats, sometimes wearing two or more at once, the rest of me is still there –always, still there informing my experience. I think this is especially true for women. I think this can also be true for men. I think revealing this part of life to young people is essential.
In light of our many pieces, my website follows suit. My goal is to design with the purpose of learning. Maybe you are learning to be a better educator or parent. Your reason for visiting and for coming back is up to you. ​Things are under construction as I figure out just how much technical savvy I do not possess and as I collaborate with my brilliant students who often know how to do what I do not. Stay tuned.